Fanweb Scandinavia is a project which started after the Marillion Weekends in 2015 by Robert and Lilian Boomsema.
"We went to the Marillion Weekend in Port Zelande in 2015. RanestRane was playing as a support act during that weekend. I was talking a lot with Robert about RanestRane when I first saw them in Copenhagen 2014 when RanestRane was supporting the Steven Rothery band. I was very impressed and was very happy with the fact that RanestRane would play at the Marillion Weekend so Robert could see them himself and hopefully getting impressed like I was after the first time seeing them."
"RanestRane played on the Saturday evening during the Marillion weekend. Many Italian fans were in front to support their band from their country. Also many other people were getting impressed about this band."
"Robert was really impressed, and I was happy about the fact that I was right haha, we enjoyed the rest of that weekend with Marillion and ofcourse we tried to get in contact with some bandmembers of Rane, to thank them for their talent and music."
Why starting this project?
"When we went home after an amazing week in the Netherlands (our native country) we couldn't stop thinking about RanestRane, RanestRane was the subject of the day! We bought a cd at the Marillion convention and we played it every single day several times. We were totally inlove with the music. We wanted to do something, why is RanestRane not that well known for many other people? How can we share our feelings about this band for others? We need to do something....
We came in contact with the boys via social media, we chatted and later on we came in contact with the management of the band. Our idea was to create a fanpage on the net with the hope to get in contact with other fans, to support the band and also to let people be familiar with the band. To get passionated like we are. We informed the band and management about our plans, we wanted to start a website. The boys were impressed and perhaps also a bit surprised about the impact they had on us during that weekend in the Netherlands. We started with the build up of the website, emailed and chatted about what could be done better or needed to be changed before getting online. We made agreements, we want to do the best for the boys without pushing nor damaging any contact or trust. The boys needed to stand 100% behind our ideas! This was the important fact we wanted to have!
We started the 1st of May 2015, very excited and nervous, what will they think? Will this be good? What if...? Many questions, and I can tell you that it was such a relief when Riccardo and Daniele came back with their feedback how great work we did for them, that they were emotional and very pleased to have our support."
What happens today?
"RanestRane supports us, we build up a relationship with the band, the manager and the fans. We became officially representatives for the band in Scandinavia and beyond, we are trying to build up a network for the boys in Scandinavia and also in the rest of Europe, we are involved with the official facebook groups both in Italy and Scandinavia where we are admins, we discuss fan matters with the management and band about how we can make the website and support even better for the fans. We became a family, as friends, as fans."
Why the name Fanweb Scandinavia?

What can we expect in the future?
"Many things are in the pipeline, we cannot inform to much about the future, time will tell :-) "
By sharing this information we would like to thank:
YOU as member and fan of RanestRane for your love and support for our work for the band. For sharing your photo's and reviews regarding the band, your happiness and joy.
RanestRane Fangroup Italy for their co operating and support.
RanestRane and their management for their trust and love, their friendship and faith.
Without you we wouldn't have made it so far!
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